Team AFN Coaching Programs
“My main focus with the Team AFN National Mentorship Program Participants is coaching and mentoring Team AFN producers on building a strong foundation for their business depending on what model they utilize for their business, whether they are a Self-Gen or a Consumer Direct MLO or if they are a Branch Manager or Regional Manager. My focus with all the Mentorship Team members is dynamic, I love to focus them on the Power of Being in Integrity with themselves by being transparent with themselves and encouraging them to always be in a state of assessment with their Business Success Formula so they can adjust if they need to.”
– Anthony Casillas, AFN National Business Coach
Superstars Coaching Program
This a special coaching program specifically designed for Operations and Support Teams. Anthony is truly excited about this new Dynamic Coaching Opportunity that Anthony is calling the Team AFN Superstars Coaching Program.
National Mentorship Program
The Mentorship Program is an opportunity for Mortgage Loan Originators across Team AFN to grow your business to your full potential. This is a 10 month program sponsored by AFN, so there is no cost to you or your branch.
National Masters Coaching Program
This program is available to those who have completed the Mentorship Program or Superstars Coaching Program. For more information, please contact Anthony Casillas at [email protected].
This a special coaching program specifically designed for Operations and Support Teams. Anthony is truly excited about this new Dynamic Coaching Opportunity that Anthony is calling the Team AFN Superstars Coaching Program.
6 Month Program | 20-25 Minute Monthly Coaching Sessions
Understand the Producer Mentality
Become an Instant Communicator with your Team
Double Your Efficiencies
Develop an Inclusive Vision with Your Teammates to Create Synergy
Master Pro-Activity and Defeat Procrastination
Become an Efficiency Master
Lead with a Team Mentality Perspective
Maximize Your Strengths
What does Team AFN Actually mean?
Create Routines that Work and Build Rhythm in Your Business
Interested in Superstars Coaching Program?
The Mentorship Program will encompass ten months of 45 minute sessions with 5 Webinars for the entire Mentorship Team packed with information on how to create a higher level of success in your business.